Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Change the World

Here's a list of ways that you can change the world, according to Zeta.  Please note that these are direct quotes.

1. Clean up trash.
2. Never litter.
3. Uhm, let's see... hmmmmm, I forget.... I just gotta think.  (I have been instructed to get #3 "outta it, because I was still thinking!")
3. (redo) Well, let's see... not dumping things on the ground purposely.
4. Don't kick over trash cans purposely.
5. If the whole world drinks 500 bottles of water a day, it can recycle water... that's a good fact!
6. Don't put trash in the oceans on purpose.
7. Stand up to yourself, this means like.... if like someone was hurting you, you need to stand up for yourself and tell the principal or your parents... just write parents.
8. Write a letter to someone that's nice.

I'm going to try and do 1 of these things (except for #5) next week and see how it changes my world.

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