Saturday, September 29, 2012

Brothers: We Share Everything

As a person who had two siblings, I distinctly recall when I got chicken pox (remember when that still existed?) and my Mom making my sister drink and eat after me to ensure that she got it; she never did.  So it was just lil' ol' me suffering with a case of the itchies and a permanent scar on my forehead.  Well, now that I'm a parent of siblings, I can pretty much guarantee that when one of my boys is sick, the other one is almost  certainly going to follow right along.  As was the case just recently when we went through our yearly bout of gastroenteritis- or as I like to call it, "quick, grab a bowl!"

The worst part though, is that I get it too.  This year, I'm pretty sure that I brought it on myself.  At like the fifth day I was marveling to someone that I hadn't gotten it yet, but that "I'd like to lose 5 pounds by the weekend, so it wouldn't be terrible if I did get it."  Low and behold, the next day, I got it.  And for the record, it was terrible.

But life goes on and we are all on the mend now; next year, I'm sure we will go through the same thing and those few days will be barfy and gross and I will be happy when we're all done with it.  Because even though I go on (and on and on) about how close I want these two Brothers to be, I don't want them to be this close.

It only takes one lick of each others' lollipop and boom, they're both barfing up a storm.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This. is. priceless.

First time on a big boy ride and it looks like he enjoyed it... sort of.