Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Love My Kid

I literally laughed out loud when I read Cullen's note home yesterday from the teacher.  I thought it was so hilarious that I sent off messages to quite a few of my friends and family.  Here's the scoop- I was the queen of cheating at games; all games.  I probably inherited this from my Grandmother and name-sake; she was an expert at the art of cheating, mostly at card games though.  So, it came as no surprise when we got this note home.

I emailed my friend Bryan to share the news that this genetic trait has been passed on and his response was classic:

Me- Cullen's note from his teacher today says, "we worked on not cheating while playing memory."

I love my kid.

Bryan- Hahahahaha.  "We."  Takes a cheater to know a cheater, teacher...