Friday, July 13, 2012

Even More Commitment

I've talked a little bit about my 30 before 30 goal of maintaining some sort of overall wellness plan here and here, but I continue to struggle with consistency.  I've taken some expensive steps throughout this year that haven't really worked out, ahem Weight Watchers- it's a great program and lots of people have had long-term success with it; however, I will never be one of them.  So, keeping that in mind, I fell back on what works for me: hittin' the gym.

For the last 14 years, I've sporadically gotten myself into shape and every time, it's been by working out- the food part is what I struggle with, so this week, I decided to join a gym and here's how it's going:

Day 1: Didn't happen because I got stuck working late.

Day 2: Total fear, I was pretty sure that it was going to go something like this, my crying and being all embarrassed because I was so out of shape and all of the youngsters there were lappin' me big time:

But in reality, it was more diverse.  There were people of different shapes and sizes and I was somewhere in the middle.  And I gotta give mad props to all of the 60+ crowd that's working out- I hope that I have the same ability and commitment as they do when I'm their age.

Day 3: Not scary, not scary at all.  I had the distinct feeling that I can do it.

This morning, I've realized that I'm getting back into the groove and I'm on track to cover about 900 miles by the end of December, just in time for my big Par-tay, which is amazeballs for me.  And for the record, I've also come to grips with the fact that should I ever become a size 6 (hey, it could happen, right?) I wouldn't care if my head looked too big for my body; as my family would say, "this is a risk I'm willing to take!"

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