Monday, July 16, 2012


Over the weekend, we celebrated Uncle Joseph's birthday at a Hibachi restaurant and it was especially awesome for Cullen since he loves, "cookin'!"  Here's how it went:

We waited patiently for the chef, but that didn't stop Cullen from greeting everyone that walked into the room as though they were the chef.

The boy will no longer look at the camera without be promised gum.

Pretty sure he's wondering if this chef knows what he's doing and no, he didn't because he was the waiter that Cullen kept calling the chef.

Preparing for the magic to start...
So, besides the practical cooking portion of dinner, there's also a little "showmanship" if you will.  I've been to other Hibachi restaurants and it seems to be pretty similar, in that the chef likes to get the crowd's attention with some sort of "fire" flare up on the griddle.  Well, let me tell you that when the chef did that, Cullen ran into my arms (notice the empty chair next to me) and talked about the fire, "it's not gonna hurt me..." for the rest of dinner.  Eventually though, he realized that watching a chef cook live outweighed his fear and he was able to make it back into his seat.
It's cool though, my face was hidden so you can't see me laughing, but I was.

Assuring him that everything was going to be fine and that the "fire" was all gone.
In the end, we had a fantastic dinner and Cullen thoroughly enjoyed the experience.  We will definitely be back.

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