Friday, May 30, 2014

Hashtag- Purplehairdon'tcare

So, remember a few days ago when I was complaining about my hair, well I did something about it... a purple something.  I go to a pretty conservative salon in a smallish town, so I've been told that I'm a hair dressers dream client.  Once every 6 months or so I get bored and boredom leads to change and this time change led to purple hair, hence the #purplehairdon'tcare.

I love it.  Jim loves it.  The boys keep saying "you have purple hair!" or my favorite, "it looks beautiful, Mom!"  The only thing that doesn't love it are any surfaces that it touches, like my pillow case, my shower, my neck, etc.  All of those look like they have come into contact with Grimace and not in a good way, in a Grimace-got-caught-in-a-rainstorm-and-smeared-all-up-on-things kinda way.  But it looks so freakin' cool that I'm keeping it, at least for now.

What do you think?

But no matter what color it is, Arden is good for a least one hair pull a day.  Thanks, kid.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wanted: A Baby Sister

Not too long after we told the boys that they were going to have a sibling, the gender talk started.  My husband was firmly in the boy camp- thought it was a boy and wanted a boy.  I, on the other hand, thought that it was a girl and said I wanted either a boy or a girl... but I won't lie now, I really wanted a girl.  As most things went in our household at the time, I figured I would be outnumbered in the wish-upon-a-baby-boy-star, but surprisingly that wasn't the case; the boys really wanted a baby sister.  Obviously, there's nothing that we could have done at that point to grant their wish, but they were the first two people I thought of when we learned it was a girl; her big brothers were going to be happy.

So far, they love having a sister and it probably has a lot to do with the fact that she's great.  On the rare occasion that she cries for longer than 30 seconds, one of them comforts her by saying, "I'm here Sissy, don't cry."  I realize that this kindness and concern may only last for another few years, and eventually they may become the cause of her tears, but for now I'm sincerely in love with their love for her.  They are much more gentle with her than with anything else in the whole world.  When they talk to her, they both use a soothing, higher pitched voice.  They, above all else, show me that they love her and that's all that I've ever really wanted, love for my children.

This week, I've been nearly ready to put her in her crib.  (I know, I know; that beautiful nursery that I'm so proud of hasn't gotten any real use...) We've been hanging out more in her room and she's spending little periods of time in her crib to grow accustomed to it, but when all is not well and Sissy is done with the crib, her brothers come rushing in and soothe her and tell her not to cry.  And she stops and watches them and then everything is right in the world again.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Announcement

Well, sorry to disappoint my Mother, who guessed a puppy and my Sister and Father who both guessed another baby, but the big announcement is that I will be doing 30 blogs in 30 days.  Anyone who blogs knows that doing 30 blogs in 30 days takes a lot of commitment and time, but I've done it before and I will do it again.

However, I do have my naysayers; when I let Megan, my sister know about my latest endeavor, her response was, "yeah, yeah, yeah."  Well, to that I say, self-proposed challenge made and self-proposed challenge accepted... starting June 1st!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Hair, Don't Care... Or Do I?

Yeah, I think I do care about my hair.  Although, this vanity may be lost on anyone that sees me on the weekend, 'cause Lord knows that my weekend hair looks like duck.  Seriously though, it looks like ducking duck.  But here's the thing, I've had the platinum and black look for a little while now and I'm bored.  I've Googled and Googled and Googled the duck out of new hair, but I've come up empty.  Therefore, I'm going to turn my hair over to the pro and see what she can do.  Here's to hoping!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Little Break

Well, I've returned from an unintended mid-spring break.  The time away was for a good reason, I was caught pretty off guard during a family tragedy that I will write about later and needed to take the time to spend with my family in order to be well again.

During the time away, nothing too much happened.  The days went on and the kids grew up; I missed the blog... Is that weird to say?  Probably, but this blog is that feeling I have at 2:00 am when something mom-genuis pops into my head.  It's a guilty little thought when I see the kids doing something awesome that I want to scream and shout about! like Baby girl rolling over at 7 weeks.  Most of all, it's a place where I've been as real as possible about a lot of things: motherhood, my marriage, my family, etc. and this newest chapter is something that I feel compelled to share.

Please be patient with me, I've got a lot of photos to share and little stories to tell.  A kinda big announcement is coming your way by the end of the week, so stay tuned.  Until then, here are some pictures from Mother's Day, please enjoy their simplistic beauty, which translates to a not taking a shower and snapping photos on the iPhone.