Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Did It

The other weekend, in the midst of an quickly cancelled trip across state lines because of the weather, I decided to do a little look-a-back at the ol' blog-arino.  And guess what?  It's my freakin' anniversary!  I've been doing this thing for three years; hard to believe.

I started this blog because, well because everyone else was doin' it and I was all like, I'm just as good as they are!  But over the years, it's sort of become an easyish way for me to keep a scrap book for my kids without actually doing the work of keeping a scrap book.  I'm a sucker for any stories about my childhood and I think it will be pretty amazing for my children to have this opportunity to look back at what was going on in real-time... okay, well maybe not real, real-time, but close enough to real time.

It also allows me to do this for the sake of my blog; like taking pictures, going overboard at parties and read tons of other blogs and get inspiration- all without feeling guilty.

This next year is sure to be even better and I'm excited to continue my blogging journey.

Monday, December 9, 2013

We Totally Made This Christmas Garland

It's not everyday that I can think of a pretty inexpensive craft that my kids can help with; usually inexpensive stuff equals not toddler friendly.  But this, this is different.  As I was flipping through the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens (don't knock it, that magazine is cheap and has some good ideas in it), I spotted this garland; it may not be the prettiest, but it sure looked easy.  I tried to find a link to the actual garland that was pictured, but gave up after searching various things, so if you click on the link, it's just gonna take to the plain old main page, feel free to 'search it up'!

Here's all that you will need to make a pretty spectacular, easy, keepsake Christmas garland.

Paper Straws (I got mine in the dollar bin at Target a while ago)
String of any kind
Wooden beads

Approximate cost (if everything is bought new)- $10.
Difficulty Level- Easy

Start by laying everything out and then telling your kids not to touch anything so that you can snap a picture for your blog, that will go over well:

Next cut each straw into small pieces, I cut each of my straws into thirds.

Then I approximated how much string I would need to fill, knotted one end and let the kids go to town; alternating between a bead and a green and red straw. Of course, I had to assist to the point that they could actually help, which really means pulling the string though the bead or straw.  That lasted for a few minutes, evenutally they both decided that they'd had enough and quit half way through, but it was fun while it lasted.

Once you reach the end of the string, and may or may not still have kids helping, tie off the other end and snap another picture, 'cause look at y'all, you just made something pretty awesome.

Hang it up.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday Short

You guys, I couldn't decide which picture to post, then blam, it hit me: make a freakin' collage.  (Do we all know about PicMonkey and Pixlr?  If not, go there and use them.)

Here are two shots of the boys the other day when I had off and Jim had to work... not that I want to rub that in or anything, but don't they look real happy to be with me?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's Still The Truth

Again, I bring you the best explanation of the spirit of Christmas and Santa.  One day, I will share this letter with my children and I hope that they understand all of it; why we do this, why it makes the world a good, decent place.  Happy reading, feel free to pass this along; it's worth it.

The Truth

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's My Favorite

Christmas time is my favorite; probably because it's right before my birthday, everyone is in joyous spirits and the house is filled with kind of beautiful things.  Decorating is crazy though... advice from parents of older children, when does the fighting/ornament breaking/disregard for the lovely ambiance that I'm working hard to set up- stop?  Is it around 4 years old?  'Cause that'd be nice.  Every year I expect that the boys will be too delighted by the sounds from the TV seasonal music station that their fighting will be temporarily put on hold, but that's not happening.  But... it is getting better.  Only a handful of smashed ornaments and one or two meltdowns each; I'm cool with that.

We had a few firsts this year: first train set, which was immediately broken and still remains off the tracks in the family room, first Christmas in our new house and first time that Cullen took a real interest in helping to set things up- more man business as he would call it, I suppose.  The results are perfect- for us.  I love all of the planning and time it takes for this to take shape, it's a nice way to spend time together, even if it is mixed with some fighting and crying, because it's what we do and how we do.