Monday, April 16, 2012

A Small Technicality

Today's post is brought to you by the number 25.

This weekend, when we were strolling through tearing up and down the aisles of Home Depot, I remembered that one of 30 before 30's is:

#25: Grow herbs.  Any herbs will do, just so long as they were planted by my little, fat fingers.

Originally, I had intended to cultivate these herbs from seed to product, but instead, I figured I would take the easy way out and broaden the scope of my goal and buy pre-planted, guaranteed to succeed plants.  (It's a small technicality, but I'm not going to let it stop me from considering this goal accomplished.)  At first, I only saw tomatoes and peppers, both of which I think are gross and disgusting, which is aslo definitely why Cullen refers to tomatoes as "barfy tomatoes," so I found two options that I do like: apple mint and strawberries.

Cullen and I spent a few moments outside getting dirty and repotting the little plants before we brought them inside and put them on the counter near a large window.  Fingers crossed- actually, fingers majorly crossed, that these little green strawberries turn into big, fat red ones that we can all enjoy.  When I went to water them this morning and realized that Jim had already done so, I was thinking, "Wow, these suckers actually have a chance!"  but then I remembered that's usually how it goes for the first few days; then we slack off and poof, all the plants we've ever owned are dead within a week or two.

Here's to hoping that I get to make some strawberry shortcake in a few weeks with my home-grown produce.

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