Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Random Equals Awesome

I have only done one or two truly random posts, where I just list random things that are going on, but every time I do, I enjoy them to a ridiculously guilty extent.  So, without further ado, here's some totally random things that I've been wanting to put on this blog, but I don't have enough to talk about to make them full posts:

1. I must admit, I never listened to talk radio; in fact, I used to throw up when I was little and my dad would put on talk radio, there was something about the cadence of the speaking and the car moving that made me nauseous.  But one day, I decided that I needed to listen to NPR and ever since I've been hooked.  Sometime next week, I'm going to do a post about in interview I heard with musician Santigold that really struck a chord with how my blogging "process" seems to go.  Stay tuned.

2. One time, I was watching an interview on Oprah with the Dali Lama where he said that he never kills bugs.  She responded back with a question about how that was possible to do when he was walking and inadvertently stepped on a bug and I can't remember his answer, but the message was clear, no creature's life should end at my hand.  Yesterday, when I killed a worm with my car, I made it a point to save two worms later in the day that would have been chopped in half when the garage door came down.  I felt better about having killed the worm earlier.

3. I lost my debit/credit card about 3 weeks ago and finally got my new one in the mail on Monday.  Hallelujah!  I never realized how incredibly cumbersome it can be to have to live life "cash on hand."  Lesson learned, I will be more thoughtful now when I care for my debit/credit card.

4.  Yesterday, I had to go to a Bridesmaids dress fitting and the bride in the next dressing room was  laying someone out.  Apparently. the person on the other end had some choice thoughts about her flowers, photographer, videographer, etc., etc., etc.  I loved it and thought she was fierce.  If I worked in a bridal salon, I'd be in my glory with the brides that are telling people off!

5. Rain boots are awesome.  It's been raining here all week and Cullen was adamant that he was going to wear his "froggy rain boots" (thanks, Miss Rachey) and that turned out to be a good idea because the parking lot was filled with puddles and he stepped in every. single. one.

6.  Uhm, Eric Clapton's Tears in Heaven is the saddest song ever.  I guess I've never thought about it before, but it is.

7. I posted a while ago about no longer be available to edit photos, I was real torn' up about it.  Well, April 19th came and went and I realized that I really didn't care, I'd just find another website to use.  In the interest of sharing, anyone who wants to edit photos for free should check out and

8.  Speaking of finding alternatives when something no longer works, ahem, I'm talking about you  When doesn't give me what I want to listen to and I've exceeded my number of "dislikes" and "skips" in an hour, I just open up and wait the hour out.  Thanks but no thanks, Pandora; I've got this.

9.  I'm sure everyone's just dying to know why some pictures on this blog are black boxes with exclamation points in them.  I will post immediately after this one and explain.

10. I've decided that I'm going to get a spray tan for the wedding that I'm in (see #4) and I'm nervous.  When you're as fair skinned as I am, there can be some major consequences when it comes to tanning, as Cullen would say, I may come out looking like a "do-ree-ree."  (Yes, my kid quotes Tom Haverford and that is awesome.)  I'm probably going to do it over Memorial Day weekend, this way if it makes me look terrible, the only people that I have to see are my family.... oh wait, that's probably worse.  What's an extremely pale girl to do?

11. I wanted to get a photo book made with the pictures from our vacation so I uploaded them to and went with the standard photo book thing-- the one where the pictures are filled into a prepopulated layout.  Well, after it sat in some post office delivery station for like 3 weeks (I pretty much gave up that it was ever coming) it finally arrived and it had a little something extra.  The last 2 pages were pictures of people that we don't know.  They seem like nice women, who had a lovely time at the beach, but just not at the same beach we were at.  I'm keeping the album a) because I think it's funny and b) because I'm lazy, but I think it's some sort of epidemic at, because the same thing happened to someone else I know.

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