Thursday, January 26, 2012

Neon Rainbow Trees

Brace yourself, 'cause this is ah-may-zing!  Have I said before that I spend waste more time on Pinterest than practically anywhere else on earth?  (And I do realize that Pinterest is not an actual place, but I spend so much time there, it should be.)  Yes?  Well let me say it again, I waste lots and lots of time there, but sometimes it's totally worth it.

While perusing, I stumbled upon another out-of-the-park find from Pinterest: Rainbows Eucalyptus trees or as I like to call them Neon Rainbow Trees.  At first, I thought it had been photoshopped (I got taken a few months back by the infamous Pinterest photoshopped lemon fiasco.  Yeah, you know why those lemons look so great after you shoot food coloring into the skin?  Because they've been photoshopped, that's why.), but after I did some highly scientific research Wikipedia-ed "rainbow eucalyptus" and saw that they were real, I was impressed.

And there's more where that came from.

Look at all of that neon goodness.  I mean come on, these trees are a fanny pack away from 1987, making them the most fierce trees in all the land.

Now, I'm 100% sure that there's a-far-too-advanced-for-me reason that the neon streaks occur, but let's Billy Madison that right now, "Chlorophyll, more like borophyl!". 'Cause this is the kinda Mother-Nature-can-trump-whatever-you-got kinda thing.  I show up to our throwdown with with my grow herbs in a plastic pot on my back porch challenge, and she smiles politely, shrugs her shoulders and goes, "Uhm... Rainbow Eucalyptus trees.  Just sayin'."

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