Sunday, June 10, 2012

Where Have You Been

Yesterday, I watched one of my best friends in life marry the man that she's crazy in love with; 
then we all watched as they grooved their way 
back down the aisle as husband and wife to Rihana's Where Have You Been.
 It was nothing short of awesome.  

When in doubt, ask someone who will tell you like it is.

Probably should've done a quick background item check...
At least the trashcan filled with wine bottles didn't make the shot.

If I know Nikole, she's saying to herself, "I'm not a policeman, I'm a princess!"

Behind every Bride-- and in this case, next to, is an awesome Maid of Honor.

And gorgeous... I forgot to mention that she's a gorgeous Maid of Honor.

This one's for Bobby's mum.

Lovely ladies.

Ok, so here's the deal.  2 nights before the wedding, I made Jim spray tan me.  He did a good job, but spray tan being what it is, I was streaky as a mother and my friends being who they are, thought it was hilarious and made fun of me.  Well, suck it y'all, it looks pretty decent in these pictures... just don't look at my tan foot.

One of the nicest thing about this weekend was rediscovering why we all became friends 11 years ago; mostly because we're fabulous, but also because we're good looking, nice people.

Pretty sure every Bridesmaid that wears a strapless dress has a picture where they look naked.  Here's mine.

Not to ruin the moment, but doesn't the Officiant look like Janeane Garofalo?

As Jim loves to say, you can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take Pittsburgh out of the girl.

The nacho bar was legit delicious.

Can you tell which one is wearing a hairpiece?

Don't let the mustaches deceive you, this wedding party is all 2012, y'all.

Isn't she beautiful?

So, I pretty much Uncle Buck-ed every picture I took.  And what is Uncle Buck-ing a picture you might ask.
Well, it means that I just focused in on two (or more) people during a large group shot, and wha-lah.  A two person shot.

He's one lucky guy.
And she didn't do too bad herself.

This was a posed kiss though.

Mr & Mrs. S.

Oh, so this is where I'll Have Another went to...

I sincerely hope my sons are this cool when they grow up.

I desperately wanted these bangs, but we all know how that turned out...

If I'm ever lucky enough to have a daughter, I hope we have a relationship like they do. 

She's a lady in the street.

These two legitimately are Crazy In Love.

It's a good thing this was early, things got a wee bit slippery on the dance floor as the night wore on.

I heart the 15260.

And the rest of these people heart the people from 15260.

And this was just icing on the cake for Bob's mum.

She makes her laugh and that makes me happy.

It feels good to be back together again.

I was going to crop this, but I didn't have the heart to cut off Nikole's fierceness.  Work it girl.

I inappropriately love him.

We love one another so much, that we save each other's lives... literally.

I heart these two.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your day, Baby Girl.  I love you.

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