Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Know

He’s one.  He’s really a for real one year old.  And there’s so much that’s happened to him… me… us… all of us, in the past year.  So now, I'ma blare my February 2011 playlist and reflect on what I know about Arden’s first year:

My baby boy’s just as sweet as can be and I will never remember all of the sweet moments and that makes me sad.  Because for every silently connected moment we’ve spent together, we’ve had at least half as many nothing-I’m-doing-is-working! moments.  And I know that we got through it and that I’m a more patient, kind person because of you.

I have stared for what seems like half-a-lifetime into his blue eyes and I know it’s not enough.

Smiling is my son’s forte and he’s a shameless flirt.  I know he will one day captivate someone’s heart the way he has mine.

If the Jeopardy category should ever be: 1. Late night infomercials in 2011, 2. Reruns of classic 80’s and early 90’s sitcoms or 3. Hoda and Kathy Lee segments from early 2011, I know I would sweep the entire category and get a round of applause.

One has been a privilege for me, for your Dad and big brother, for your family and all of our friends and I know that two will be even better.

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