Sunday, February 20, 2011

There's no crying in the hair salon. (A toot, toot alert.)

In the words of Jimmy Dugan, "There's no crying in baseball!"  I think this rule should apply to the hair salon, beauty parlor or barber shop.  (Not sure how much crying is going on at a barber shop though; it’s probably very little.  Actually I'm going to guess that it's none; no man has ever cried after seeing his new flat top, I’m pretty sure he’d be asked to never come back.)  Yesterday, I got my first hair cut in 2 1/2 years and I love, love it.*  If I could "like" my haircut alah facebook, I would totally do it.  I’d be the one rockin’ the “thumbs up” symbol above my head and it wouldn’t even matter that I was the one who “liked” it.*

My feisty hair dresser, Dayna, did a great job; I specifically told her that I didn’t want a “mom haircut.”  No offense to other mothers, but I don’t understand the “just had a baby, time to get my hair chopped off!” mentality.  According to Dayna (and I agree) shorter hair is not easier…  After the 2 1/2 years of crazy damaged hair came off, it immediately looked better. But once the cut was finished, she straightened it so I couldn't really tell how long it was going to be once I styled it curly.  Note to everyone: my hair looks good straight*; I'm just too lazy to ever actually straighten it.  Perhaps now that it's shorter and it won't take me as long, I will start doing it more often; probably not though.

After I took a shower and put some of my all important styling product in it (No joke: on my Eharmony profile one of the 3 things I was most grateful for in life was hair product), I decided that I really liked it.*  Actually, I really, really like it,* but I can't help but think about all of those other haircuts that I got that I didn't like and there have been many.  I've also watched enough What Not to Wear to know that lots of people women don’t like their haircuts, most people women are reluctant to part with their hair style for whatever reason, it's a security blanket, it looks good (or so they think), it's easy, it fits their lifestyle, etc.  But it's when they women get defensive about changing their look that I don't understand; last I checked, hair grows back, or can be dyed a different color or styled differently or extensions can be added, so I can't help but ask, "Ladies, why all the tears?"  Seriously, it's just not worth crying over.  (Also, if anyone should ever "report" me to What Not to Wear, know this: I will accept their offer because it's 5 grand and I'm not a fool, but there will be hell to pay for letting me walk around looking so bad that intervention from a national TV show was needed!)

Thankfully though, there's no tears from me.  Only an appreciation for a nice new do' and some compliments from my hubs and me (not even going to lie, quite a few compliments from me... but you know what?  That's ok with me.  After 9 months of being pregnant, then a 6 month hiatus, then another 9 months of being pregnant, I think looking in the mirror and being pleased is kind of deserved.)

Here's a few snapshots of my new style:

Get a good look... straight hair doesn't happen often 'round these parts.

Ahhhh, now that's more like it.  5 minutes of work, a whole day of style.
What I learned from these pictures; I won't be waiting until 2013 to get my next hair cut!

*Toot toot- an expression my family uses when someone "toots" their own horn.  This blog is an example of an extended toot toot, thanks for bearing with me!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I love your hair! You look fabulous!
