Friday, February 1, 2013

My Hambone

If there's one thing that Cullen has a lot of (besides personality) is nicknames.  The boy gives himself nicknames like "Captain Mickey" and "Duke," which I find adorable.  One of the ones that I use most frequently for him, and he for himself, is Hambone.  My brother, Uncle Gebby, gave him the nickname once while we were Skyping and Cullen was acting real silly; Hambone stuck.  So, he has become my little hambone and I like to remind him daily that he is so, because I find it endearing.  Typically, when kids are being kids, adults don't see if for what it is and we use words like "disciplinary problem," "actin' a fool," or "crazy," but I think it's nice that Hambone is just a cute little nice name for a boy who likes to have fun and be silly.

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