Friday, February 15, 2013

Mr Clean, Mr Clean

These little men are going to make their future spouses entirely happy; fighting over the vacuum cleaner is a serious event in our household, we're talking 10 rounds, at least.  I'm imagining that the thrill of the vacuum will wear off over time, but for now, I'm capitalizing on it as much as I can.  I have read a few articles that talk about when kids need to start doing "chores" and I always think that's so odd to have them start doing chores, because if you set it up right "chores" are just something that they like to do that become habits.  For example, if we take out the dustpan and broom without letting the boys help, there are some serious tears and likewise, there was some pretty intense "sharing" going on with the lint roller the other day.  Hopefully, my kids won't even have to do chores, but will just enjoy cleaning up because it's a good habit that they developed early... although, they are my children, so I'm not holding my breath.

Moment of awesomeness: my octopus rug; isn't it ah-may-zing?

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