Monday, July 29, 2013

We Moved... And Here Are Some Cute Pictures

I already laid this out, but in case you forgot, we moved and so this blog is about to be somewhat taken over by new house stuff, or as Arden says, "new, NEW, house!" stuff.  Here's what we did well with our move: we packed up our cars with as much as we could the night before, we got all of our utilities straightened out at week or two ahead of time, we enlisted the help of family and friends, we rented a UHaul and drove it to Ikea... and that's about it.  Here's what we didn't do well: we were completely disorganized and didn't pack nearly as much as we should've, considering that we've known about this since March.  And that's about all I have to say, because moving is literally all about packing and being organized, there aren't any other steps besides those two.

As little boys tend to do, they wanted to help, which made me bust out my all time favorite saying from my mother, "you can be a big help by not helping."  That didn't work.  Our plans were thrown a little off schedule since both of the boys were sick and Arden couldn't go on a short vacation with the rest of my family to the beach, which is the reason that there's virtually no pictures of Cullen helping with the move.  All in all though, we didn't do too bad for ourselves.  I'm totally stoked to share some pictures of what we are going to do and what we've done.  Don't get too excited though, the only room that was a priority was the boys' bedroom, so we plan on finishing that tonight and I will post about it over the next few days... cause it's that f'ing cute, for reals.

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