Wednesday, July 10, 2013

There's No Place Like Ikea

Since we're quickly approaching our move, most of our weekends have been filled with lack-luster attempts to get ourselves and our stuff together and prepare ourselves for the packing and moving and all that good stuff.  Here's the thing though, mostly Jim takes my lead and my lead on this has been... poor.  I'm all, "let's wait until next weekend."  Or "how about we not pack but watch Despicable Me on ABC Family instead?"  You all get the point, if it wasn't for Jim, nothing would be getting done.

However, the one thing that I will give myself credit for is that once everything is packed and decided, I'm the one who orchestrates everything.  I know when we have the money to buy what we want, that'd be within 24 hours after our pay checks clear (you know, before we send out the bills and pay for day care), I know what day we're going to settlement and what day the power and cable and water all need to be turned on.  I know which websites are free shipping and I know how to change our address at the Post Office; Jim and I are like the yin and the yang of moving.

As any good bargain shoppers will be able to tell, our house is going to be pretty heavily influenced by Ikea. Meaning that the bargains there are unbeatable and we've got little ones that can destroy nice things in two seconds flat.  (Don't even get me started about the rainbow colored spectacle that is my cream colored living room area rug.  I wasn't even sure exactly how much play-dough typical carpet fibers could hold, but I found out: it's a lot.)  And here's the beautiful thing about Ikea, while Jim and I are power shopping (getting in and out in an hour takes intense focus), the boys are running around and bouncing off of everything and it's fine, 'cause its Ikea.  We love that about Ikea, there's very little that's going to immediately break and what is going to break, most of the time the boys aren't interested in.

When in doubt and you're moving, or you need a good way to spend an afternoon that doesn't completely wipe out your wallet, head on over to Ikea and let your kids go wild.

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