Wednesday, April 17, 2013

It's The Bangs, Right

Arden is fascinated with technology.  He knows how to slide open both the iPad and my iPhone.  He can then go to YouTube, our PBS app or the video app and watch his favorite things.  I'm pretty sure that there are some adults that I know that couldn't do this... ahem, Dad.  He loves it when I let him have a photo shoot and by that I mean that he clicks the picture button a hundred times before I say, alright that's enough.

The other day, he wasn't feeling well and so I scooped him onto my lap and he started snapping away.  Three or four days later, when I went to delete most of the pictures, I stumbled on this one; don't we look like twins?  I'm pretty sure that it's the bangs and the hair color, but it's cool, I'm still going to claim it.  I don't think that either of my children look like me.  Obviously, Cullen looks just like Jim and I think Arden looks like my Dad, who he calls Pa- just like Little House on the Prairie.  I've said before that our third child will be the tie breaker and then Jim and I will be able to claim victory in the genes department.

So, I guess if I'm going to get more pictures where I look like my kids that it's worth letting them take hundreds of shots while my picture count soars into the thousands.


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