Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We Paid For It

Before I had kids, I didn't understand the concept of a kid's schedule, it was all naptimes and diaper changes and feedings galore; well now that I have kids, I understand.  Just so everyone knows, we did a terrible job putting our kiss on a schedule, I could never figure out exactly how to do it.  But thankfully, we were able to work with our day care and get them onto a routine napping schedule and it has been our go to schedule ever since.  (You should know, that while we try to stick to the schedule, if it gets throw off, or we have to make exceptions, we do.  I have always known that there's value in changing things up every once in a while... Well, that and I think its annoying when parents have a diehard schedule that they never deviate from, what kind of nonsense is that?) However, schedules kinda don't exist on vacation, there's early mornings and late nights and somewhere in between- if we're lucky- someone will take a nap, or little heads will start to bob as we rumble our cheap umbrella strollers up and down the boardwalk, but those moments are few and far between.

Recently, I saw a post something on Facebook from a parent that was talking about "pushing through" their child's nap and that they (the parent and the child) were going to pay dearly for it.  I know that feeling and anyone who's travelled with children does too, it's like taking the first bite of a slice of pizza- you know it's going to burn the roof of your mouth and that you'll have temporary pain, but you do it anyways because it's worth it.  Similarly, I want these little ones to have the time of their lives and vacations are the perfect opportunity to do that, its a thousand new experiences over the course of however many days, and with each new adventure can come some crazy behavior- on everyones part.  And I mean that sincerely; when the kids are melting down, I'm right there with them, but I try to control myself and my boys as best I can.

It's funny though, I went on several big trips and lots of little ones as a child and I don't remember my parents ever melting down, or calling it a day at noon like I'd sometimes like to; however, being on the other side makes me realize that at different points, I'm sure they wanted to.  But here's what happens when parents want to throw in the towel, they don't.  So that means that I didn't melt down (ok, well maybe a little, but not all the way) and Jim and I decided that were were going to have an awesome vacation, regardless of the kids behavior and that decision worked out pretty great, because I've been having the time of my life spending continuous days with my children, husband, family and friends- even forgetting what day it is.

So, we paid for the no naps and lugging them back and forth on the boardwalk in some seriously humid weather, with some pretty epic meltdowns over toys, TV and who was being pushed by whom in the stroller, but it was worth; we'd do it again and more accurately, we are going to do it again, on every single vacation to come and I hope, like me, that when my children are older they remember these trips with fondness and that they too stray from the schedules and structure and just let their kids be free spirits.

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