Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Big Brother, Little Brother

Being an older sibling has it's perks, false claims that younger brothers and sisters are adopted, top the list, but it also comes with responsibility.  Being the oldest, is an entirely different "bag" so to speak.  Us oldest children are top dog in many ways, but in others, we miss out.  My whole life, I wanted an older brother, I'm not exactly sure why, but after seeing my boys, I know why- because older brothers are kind of the best.

I call each of my boys, "Brother."  If there's an apology to be had, it's said to Brother or a toy to be shared, it's with Brother; I've tried to teach my sons that they are brother's first and I hope that's a mentality that translates throughout their lives.

Having the opportunity to see this relationship develop is certainly one of the most important experiences of my life and I'm reminded every day that it's happening with the help of my influence and in ways in which i could never influence; it's instinct with these two.  It's why at 2:00 am, Arden is pointing upstairs to have Cullen come down and join us for some late night Olympics watching or why Cullen runs screaming through the house after a mall-trip with Poppy for his, "Brother!"; because they have this bond, one that makes everything just a little more special.

So, it's no surprise that we've reached the stage where the Little Brother wants to do everything that the Big Brother does, sometimes to Big Brother's delight, but most often not.  As a older sibling, I can tell Cullen, the Big Brother, that this is probably never going to change, Arden's going to want to be like you and that's a good thing.  I'm not saying this in a huberous, narsasistic type way, I mean it in a organically innocent way, and it goes back and forth.

I am well aware that family cannot be chosen, although, mine has always been a blessing, so it's magical to watch essentially two strangers bound only by genetics create this friendship that transcends almost everything in their world in order to become the best of friends.  For Arden- I'm eternally grateful that he has a big brother as kind and loving as Cullen.  And for Cullen- I'm forever comforted by the fact that he has a brother who will support him and kick ass and take names on his behalf.

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