Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The tie breaker

I have always thought that my brother, sister and I resemble one another; but my children, not so much.  I tell Jim all the time that when we walk by, people must think that Wub is Jim's kid from a previous relationship and Beebs is our kid together.

It is amazing how different they are; and I don't just mean physically, I mean literally from the moment I could feel them moving, they had distinct personalities.  For example, Wub would gracefully and ever so gently glide his way around, Arden literally forward rolled down and stayed there.  Cullen had nice little lulls in activity, Arden was nonstop all day (and night) long.  Arden likes to eat, Cullen doesn't.  Arden cries, Cullen never cried.  And the list goes on and on.

Most people say that Cullen looks like Jim and Arden looks like me, so henceforth our 3rd child (and no, I'm not making any announcements, Megan, so cool it!) shall lovingly be called, "Mommy's little tie breaker" (personalized onesies will be accepted).  Although there would be no actual "winning" involved because a baby is a blessing no matter what he or she looks like, I could foresee this turning into a friendly competition of sorts between me and Jim (but really just me).  I realize it's incredibly narcissistic to want a little clone and I admit that I do have slightly more than a pinch of narcissism, but if we're being honest, who doesn't?

So, until baby #3 makes an appearance, Jim and I are even.  All tied up; and it's kind of perfect that way.

Random thought: what if baby #3 is a hybrid of some sort?  Like brown hair with blue eyes.  Or blond hair with brown eyes.  Jim and I really need to go to an arcade and play the "what would your hypothetical children look like" game in order to determine the best odds, because, in my opinion, that's just about as scientific as it's going to get.

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