Friday, June 24, 2011

An interesting thought

I know that people are hard on the internet; in my opinion, they're too hard.  I've seen plenty of scandalizing headlines telling me that my kids are going to be "stupid" because they have access to it; but I disagree, my kids are surely going to be geniuses (internet or no internet)!  I remember when computers first appeared on the scene, we had this class called "Computers."  (The school board "think tank" that overexerted themselves coming up with such a clever class title surely should be commended for their thinking outside of the box skills.)  "Computers" was all about turning on the computer, typing a sentence on the computer and my personal favorite, playing Oregon Trail until your whole frontier party got wiped out trying to ford the river.  This was long before the internet had been 'created' by Al Gore and the rest of Congress and internet access on the "Zach Morris cell phone" was clearly not an option.

So, now that we have access at our fingertips, do my parents believe that I'm "stupider" than I would have been had it not been 'created.'  Hell no!  Maybe, but they're not going to tell me that!  Honestly, I have learned a lot from the internet, I'm a great proponent of using it as an educational tool, which is clearly evident from my recent Google searches: 

  • Why do hardwood floors creak?
  • What is the difference between a city and a town?
  • Why do mosquito bites itch?
  • Why are the Boston Red Sox and the Yankees rivals?
  • Why did the Browns move to Las Vegas?
  • Why is there a Canadian baseball team in the American League?
  • What determines eye color?
  • Drinking games.
  • Bob Ross.
  • Al Gore invented the internet

And that list goes, on and on.  But my point is, before the internet, I would have had to traipse over to the Library and search by the card catalogue and let’s face it, The Dewey Decimal System is pretty much the most archaic thing going.  Sorry, Mr. Dewey (update to my Google search list: Dewey Decimal System), but it’s kinda true.  So, to every quasi upright citizen who wants to challenge the IQ consequences of the over Google-ing of the American youth, I say, get over it!  I Google and my kids are definitely going to Google and that’s quite all right with me.

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