Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Little Faux Hipster Guy

Arden is a lot of things: cute, stubborn, adorable, adventurous, handsome... you get it, the list goes on and on.  He's also good for being willing to do anything that I want.  Who wants to go to Target?  Arden does.  Who wants to play outside?  Arden does.  Who wants to water the plants?  Arden does.  He's my "go to" guy, for better or worse, so when he agrees to do things with me, I try to make it as fun as possible.

During our Target trip the other day, Arden and I played the modeling game, he was the male model and I was the older-Mom model.  I have to say, he was workin' it; these faux Warby Parker's are looking fly, right?  I quickly snapped some pictures, because a) it was ducking adorable and b) why the duck not? and sent them off to his Godfather, Dan whom he looks like and has similar glasses himself.  This has given birth to the possibility of trying to do some sort of Tumblr and blog period about Arden and Dan having "pose offs", because how cute would that be?  Totally cute.

So, the next time one of your littles is willing to do something you find enjoyable, remember to make it as enjoyable as possible for them, because you never know how cute that enjoyment may turn out to be.

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