Friday, April 1, 2011

Organization. And this is supposed to come naturally?

For a long time a year, Jim and I have been lamenting to one another about how we need to organize and finally, right before it officially gets Crazy (that's right, I capitalized it, it's that crazy), I'm getting off my ass to get it done started.

Things I don't like about organizing,
1. It sucks.
2. It's time consuming, isn't there a TV show I should be watching?
3. It's total chaos before the end result and that makes me panic even more.
4. In order for it not to get crapped up again it needs to be maintained.
5. People judge you for not being organized; I find those people to be annoying.

Things I love about being organized:
1. Everything looks nice and orderly.
2. My mind functions better. Seriously, when my house is cluttered I swear my mind starts to swirl. It's like the nightmare of having the spins without the awesomeness of the rowdy drinking.
3. I feel like we should immediately invite people over to have them admire our skills.(Little do they know, we've been practically killing ourselves to get the house in order before we entertain.)
4. I usually find at least $20 bucks.
5. It's usually the catalyst of other projects in my life, one taste of "feeling accomplished" and all of the sudden I'm feeling all Martha Stewart Dear Genevieve.

Today This afternoon when I got bored while watching the Talk is just the beginning, but we'll get there... one cleaning frenzy at a time.

The during... thankfully, it looks so much better now!

My little helper... maybe this is why it took so long?!

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