Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Love is a highway

For real though, love is totally a highway.

Some days driving is easy, skies are clear, roads are open and everyone's moving forward; my internal monologue is sounding something like "this is great!"

Other days, there's freaking traffic, cars are slow and road work is causing everyone to merge into one lane; on these days, I'm pissed off and running through different travel strategies and I want to take the closest exit.

But when it comes to love, my friend, there's no exiting.

My marriage is strong, in fact, it's my safe haven. Jim and I have worked really hard to have a strong marriage, we listen, we appreciate one another and we make time for ourselves whenever possible. But a few days ago, it was different. I was particularly grumpy and as a result I was harsh, too harsh. I apologized. I tried to get a grip.  I tried to make sure that Jim realized that most of the things I was upset about didn't even have to do with him, but it didn't excuse the
fact that I hurt his feelings.

If we didn't have such a strong marriage, I think days like this would be much harder. But Jim understood when I apologized and he was able to recognize that I was trying to be in a congenial mood that day, it just wasn't working. He listened when I explained what I was feeling and he tried to be empathetic; he's great like that. So, later that day, when I was past my "moment" I stumbled upon this little notebook and it reminded me of us, lovey dovey but still totally badass.  The moment I saw it, I realized that it sometimes is a choice to be happy. To be nice and kind. To apologize and really mean it and to look over and see that despite everything, this man loves me and I love him X a million + 1 whatever he says!

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