Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A good feeling.

It's not very often that a picture captures more than what I look like, so when I saw this picture, I was over joyed.  We took Wubbles and Beebee to the park again and this time Jim did the majority of the picture taking; this meant that I was able to enjoy playing on the slide and pretending like there was a shot in hell that I could even hang from the first rung of the monkey bars. 

Wub has an adventurous spirit, so playing with him means lots of tumbling and running and screeching with joy... it makes me really happy that I have two little boys; I don't think girls are quite as willing to dust themselves off, but my boy is and that makes me really happy.  I cherish every minute that I get to spend actin' a fool at the park with him.

And that's why I love this picture so much.  It was an effortless moment in time that I will cherish forever.


1 comment:

  1. I love this picture so much. There's this awesome 70s quality about it -- your hair, Cullen's hair, your kickass sunglasses and the tone of the picture itself.

    Definitely one for a frame.
