Thursday, April 7, 2011

Can I get an, "I know, right?"

Some things that I hope will make you say, "I know, right?"

1. Creating mix cds is an amazing gesture, music can have such an impact on a person's life and to have a chance to create an experience for a friend is pretty awesome.
2. Receiving a mix cd is almost as good as creating one.
3. Accidentally wearing a red shirt while shopping at Target is the worst.
4. I think blogging is pretty narcissistic.  (And that's quite all right with me.)
5. The sound of Wubbles' laughter never gets old. Really, the sound of any child's laughter never gets old.
6. We call the gizmo that changes the channel on the TV a "TV box."  Many people find this odd.  When I say this, usually people think that I'm referring to the actual box that the TV came in and they think this is a crazy name.  That's ok though, I'm in pretty good company; I've heard friends call this thing the remote control, the flipper, the power (such a commentary on the American way of life, right?) and the clicker.  I don't think there should be one standard name for it, it's such an interesting way to get to know a family.
7. When the power goes out, the first two things I think are: how am I going to get my car out of the garage and don't break the seal on the refrigerator.  (Some people thought it was probably going to be lamenting about the cable... ha! Fooled you.)
8. Everything tastes better when someone else makes it or gets it for you.  Literally everything, I'm even talking about water.
9. I can't fathom a time when an "oldies" formatted radio station is playing hip hop.
10. Giving someone flowers as a way to express your love seems pointless to me.  It's a lot of money to spend on something that after a week dies and smells bad.
11. I wish I was a natural talker and was comfortable striking up a conversation with anyone.  (I'm working on this one.)
12. My favorite number is twelve.  People put a lot of emphasis on luck and corresponding numbers, but I wonder if it matters anywhere outside the city limits of Vegas and Atlantic City.
13. Reality TV will never get old.  I will take a reality show over a scripted sitcom any day.
14. I'm passive aggressive about dressing nicely.  Sometimes I get into ruts where I don't dress very nice (shocking I know) and when I have a moment of "let's pull it together Me-Me," and get all dolled up, I want my Hubs to notice immediately.  I also think that dressing like a "schlep" as my mother would say, makes Jim appreciate it more when I do look put together.
15. I wish I had a hair dresser that I went to on a regular basis.  Hair dressers, in my opinion, are free therapists.
16. Listening to songs that have explicit lyrics or are about sex while I'm in the car with my parents makes me have mild anxiety.  Listening to songs that have explicit lyrics or are about sex while riding in the car with my mother in law makes me have mini panic attacks, I literally want to crawl in a hole and throw up.
This picture is adorable.

This list could go on an on, but I have to stop it somewhere... for now.  I will revisit this one.  Until then, I'm going to keep on saying, "I know, right?" as often as possible.

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