Monday, August 12, 2013

Enjoying Every Last Minute

Every once in a while, the boys and I will eat breakfast together in the morning.  It's a nice 10 minute break from the chaos of or typical day.  The other day, the light was shining just right and as us three little piggies were stuffing our faces, I grabbed my camera and started snapping.  It was a small moment, but one of the first times that we all seemed chill and happy in our new house.  We weren't frantically trying to find something before school or trying to hang something up, or clean, etc.; we were just bein' us.

One of the reasons that we moved was to have more moments like this, I know that sounds corny, but that's the truth.  We downsized because we were overwhelmed, and when parents are overwhelmed, this feeling translates to their children.  I've already noticed a difference in mine.  They are more mindful of the rules- like no eating in the family room and that everyone must sit at the table together while we all say grace; it's been so positive for all of us and I'm loving it.  They are loving the new structure of their life and quite honestly, I'm more than happy to provide it.  For too long, we were loosey goosey with the flow of our house and it created some bad habits in all of us, hence the eating in the family room.

All of that is behind us now, since Jim and I are working every day to make sure that boys are happy above all, but also making sure that they recognize that there are some changes that we're all making so that we can have a better life... one minute at a time.

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