Sunday, January 9, 2011

What day is it?

Halfway through today, Jim asked me, "If it felt like a Sunday?"  And after thinking about it, I realized that it really didn't.  I can't explain why some days feel like they "fit" the criteria of what I associate that day of the week with; but they just do.  We talked about it for a minute and then we decided that today felt like a Saturday because we did our grocery shopping yesterday.  I think that's the key to a day feeling like it's supposed to, the established routine has to match.  The only problem is that since today feels like a Saturday, tomorrow is going to be brutal since it should really only be Sunday...

One of the great things about today feeling like a Saturday is that we did nothing.  That's usually what we do on Saturdays: nothing.  And then we cram all of the the errands and whatnot into Sunday and we inevitably feel like we ended the weekend on a rushed note.  So today, the fact that we literally made the choice to do nothing at all was awesome!  We had talked about taking Wub outside to play, but when the wind was gusting the snow off the roof in snow globe tipping fashion, I decided that he would stay put right here in our warm, dry house.  He seemed content with that decision.  He read his Elmo books, rode around on one of his push toys and even cooperated for an impromptu photo session (notice the pretzels... I have to keep the talent happy!).

The other nice thing about not having to do anything today meant that the little accomplishments I made really seemed like a lot.  For example, taking a shower on a day when I'm just going to stay in?  That shows two things: 1. motivation and 2. maturity.  Or how about bringing stuff upstairs that needs to be put upstairs?  Any other day it wouldn't seem so special, but on a day when you've committed to doing nothing, this seems like a great accomplishment no matter how long they've been sitting on the table needing to be put away.

Perhaps next weekend will be more productive, but honestly, eating chicken pot pie and biscuits, listening to music and watching TV are really just fine with me!

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