Monday, July 1, 2013

Climbing and Sliding

Sometimes, when the weather is perfect (or even when it's not entirely perfect), we schlep the kids to a local park and let them run and play until we know that they are good and tired.  It's a win-win situation really; we get an opportunity to watch them do funny things and they sleep good, everyone's happy.

But there's always that initial hesitancy when we first arrive.  "Oh that slide's too high, Mom!"  Or, "I can't climb up, can you lift me up?"  Usually, we make them push through it, because almost always they do and they have a much better time because of it.  It's also pretty motivating for each of them when they see their brother doing something that they think is too hard.  Like this climbing wall thingy or that high slide.  Jim and I have learned over time that we just need to sit back and watch them figure it out, because most of the time, when we do that it works out just fine.

So, here's how our most recent trip to the park went.  At the end of the night, I literally had to pick them up and carry them to the car; we had to go home- Mommy was tired.

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