Friday, August 17, 2012


Every once in a blue moon, I get a chance to have a few quiet moments to myself and I love it with such abandon that I feel incredibly guilty; for you see, Mother's are supposed to love the hustle and bustle of each day, the interruptions and long hours.  But what happens when you're exhausted and you're doing too much?  What happens when you really like the quiet?

Its 4:49 pm on a Monday and I'm alone.  The air conditioning is humming, the TV is muted while young couples House Hunt, internationally; and I'm sitting here, feeling all sorts of guilty that the kids are at school and I haven't gone to get them yet.  It's somewhat imagined, I know everyone's always saying, "take time for yourself" but it's hard, because taking time comes at a cost; spending time as a family.

I feel strongly that it's healthy to have outlets outside of the four walls of your home; having new experiences with other people makes me, feel refreshed and thankful.  One minute, I can be out with friends (thanks to my husband, who is extremely accommodating with these needs) sharing generalized craziness from my life and the next, I'm home with my family, a place that I strongly feel I need to be and even more-so, where I want to be even.  So, that's the problem, I guess; I want it all.

I'm no different than most other human beings in that I'd like a good life, filled with wonderful and amazing people and things and here's the great part- I have it.  But I'm wise enough to know when I also have too much of a good thing and when I need an afternoon of quietness to make all of the afternoons full of happy chaos… well, happy.

A day like this might not be so bad.

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