Today's post is presented by the number 5. Here are 5 things that I totally want. That's right, I don't need them, but I really, really want them.
Uhm, a lamb planter is just what I need. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I had one of these as a kid; if my mother knew that she could sell this for $28.00 on Etsy, it'd be game over for little lamby.
Most people all people are not grasping my need to totally over due it for Arden's golden birthday- and I get that, it is an odd tradition. For those of you who are not familiar, please, let me explain. One's golden birthday occurs when a person turns the same age as the day of they were born. For example, someone born 10/7/12 would have a golden birthday when they turn 7. I have decided to make it pirate themed since all good pirates are in search of gold, alah a golden birthday in the truest sense. This is something that I'm going to need to buy in order to make Arden's special day extra special.
If you don't know who Super Mario is and why this is incredibly amazeballs, it's a real shame and you probably need to educate yourself- right. now. Seriously, go do it.
Because what girls' moto isn't: I Don't Drink Cheap Wine- except for in college, when all girls drink cheap wine and mostly from a box. (Woah, true story- just learned that it's packaged in a box to leave less of a carbon footprint. And here, I thought it was because binge drinkers were less likely to shatter cardboard boxes than they are glass wine bottles. Who knew?!)
I want an iPhone. 4, 4s, 5, it doesn't f'ing matter. I'll take what I can get- that is, when my current phone upgrade is available. Boo!
**Actually, I liked this post and concept so much that I'm creating a new series of posts called "These (however many) Things," which will be filled with delightful finds from the interweb and I why I love them so much.**
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