Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Boat

Recently, we visited Jim's parents' boat and you can tell from these pictures that we had a great time!

Pit stop at Wawa where Cullen starts spotting trucks.  Note the pure amazement in the next two pictures. 
Cullen + Trucks= True Love.

We made it!

I can picture it now.  He absconds with a boat while arguing with his brother...

and uh oh, there's a problem...  By the way, these last two pictures capture Cullen's personality better than any other pictures I have ever taken.


Cullen trying to open the door.

Me and Arden.

He enjoyed hanging out on the boat.

By the time we left, he was practically a sailor.

Thanks, Mom Mom and Pop Pop!

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest babies EVER. If my kids aren't as sweet as yours, I won't love them.
