Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Sleep, a love letter

Dear Sleep,
I miss you, you and I were bffs at one point, remember that? Remember all of those glorious late night rendezvous we had together? Well that's a distant memory now, you and I are like two people who used to be besties in elementary school, but then grew apart when we went to Middle School. Now, we're just a couple of acquaintances who pass one another in the hall, but don't sit together at lunch. We have to get closer again and I'm not just telling you what you want to hear, because legitimately you're like the 4th most important love of my life.

So I want to know, will you be my bff again? If yes, I'm going to get one of those gold plated, broken in half bff heart key chains and you can have one half and I will have the other.
Y or N? (Circle one, that's how everyone makes a decision in Middle School, there's no other options than those I just provided so don't you dare try to pass this back without circling one! And no, maybe is not an option or I would have listed it.)


Ok, so I'm only half kidding; children are the best thing that ever happened to my life, but once you have 'em you can pretty much kiss sleep goodbye. And see, that's an issue because Mama likes her sleep, or at least a good consecutive 5 hours; but 'round here, at least these days, that's virtually impossible. So this naturally leads me to ask my little ones: what's up y'all, don't you know that sleep is just about the coolest thing going? Clearly, they don't.
This is how it typically goes; Wub goes up at 8:30, Beebee goes up around 9:30, Jim and I try to fall asleep as quickly as possible after that in order to maximize our sleep time. 12:30, Beebee's up. 1:15, hello Wubbles, you want to join,the party? Well, welcome aboard, son. 1:30 Beebs and I head back upstairs, I of course lay awake for the next 45 minutes watching whatever infomercial of choice is on right then, while the rest of my boys are fast asleep (depending on how quickly Wubbles goes back down).

And so it continues, this nightly dance of ours.

Oh hello 3:30, so lovely to see you again today, has anything changed since yesterday? No. That's what I thought. And 6:45, my aren't you looking as beautiful as ever. Pardon me, I don't have on my party dress for the occasion; however, since we've been meeting up so frequently, I think the formality is gone. Gone, gone, gone.

And before I know it, its 7:00 and one tired Mama and one mildly well rested 1 year old are staring each other in the face, thinking, "bring it!"

So, the next time you see a new parent (or a not new parent, because who knows when the sleep thing starts happening), rest assured (no pun intended), they're happy as a pig in squalor; but they're jealous. What are we jealous of? All of you Sleeping Beauties out there, blissfully snoozing through another night. And Beauties, you too should be jealous of us nonsleepers. You're missin'out and we're going to take advantage of your sleeping ways; cause I'm about to get a great deal at 3:30 in the morning on some totally worthless infomercial product. And get this, because I'll be one of the first 50 callers, I'm totally going to get some other fabulous piece of crap for virtually free (shipping and handling not included)!

Proof that at one point Wub was an excellent little sleeper...

And Beebee is too.  It must be a baby thing.
Ok, I just couldn't resist... sleeping babies are so cute, right?

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