Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A quiet Tuesday afternoon.

Today we spent the afternoon listening to my Valentine's Day mix (artists include Bob Dylan, The Avett Brothers and Ben Sollee) and addressing, licking, stamping and return labeling Arden's birth announcements.  More accurately, I addressed, Jim licked, stamped and return labeled; I cannot stand licking envelopes, it makes me want to gag.  Seriously, can't they come up with a non disgusting tasting envelope glue?  (Perhaps this is my "million dollar idea?")

With Cullen's birth announcements, I tried to be fiscally minded and scoured the clearance pages of a photosharing/all things photos website until I found something I liked.  With Arden, I decided to expand my Internet exploring and found a great website for all mailable, writable and sendable stationary and much to my surprise, I found a really reasonably priced birth announcement that I love.  (If you ever need a recommendation for an awesome stationary website, let me know, I will give you all the deets and you will see what I mean.)

It's afternoons like this that I'm trying to drink up and savor because they will go by so quickly; Jim goes back to work next week and then it will be just me and little Buster.  (By the way, I'm not sure if that nickname is going to "stick" or not, but I'm hoping it does.  I campaigned pretty damn hard for the name Buster, but got R-E-J-C-T-E-D hardcore, but I just can't let it go.  I seriously love the name, but everyone else smashed it.  One day I will have to go into the saga of Jim and I picking baby names; let's just say Jim is a very patient man because we probably looked at around 20,000 names before we settled on one.  And then I didn't like that name and we had to change it!)  I'm looking forward to spending the next few weeks myself with the baby, looking back on it, I truly think those were the most important weeks I spent with Cullen.  Just he and I, sharing the smallest moments (like the little "ooooohhhhhh" sound he used to make after he sneezed) to the quiet moments (sleeping in my arms and such) and the hectic moments too (I used to text Jim frequently with updates about certain diapers that I found to be, "nothin' nice!"); but it was the best 7 weeks of my life.  And now, I get to have those same moments with Arden; I'm already excited because here's who I get to spend my days with:

The cutest little Buster I know.

This is a typical afternoon; I'm in love.

And then each afternoon, when Cullen and Jim come home and it's just the four of us, I look around and ask myself, "Seriously?  Does it get any better?"

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