Monday, December 20, 2010

Would Mike Holmes approve?

Yesterday, Jim, Wubbles and I decorated our first gingerbread house together.  I would love to say it was magical and that our creation is breathtaking, but it's not.  And that's ok with me.

Our gingerbread house
When I bought the kit (the finest kit at any supermarket around), I was thinking, we can gather around by the fireside and take turns delicately placing our gumdrops with love and care.  But reality set in when Cullen managed to slip out of his highchair and was magnetically pulled towards the barely dry iced walls of the little starter gingerbread house.  While we managed to keep him occupied with the box for a little while, we had to hustle to just get the peppermint wreath adorned above the door.  And despite the fact that our showpiece will not be winning the $10,000 giant check, I love it.  It reminds me a lot of our own home, colorful but more attention could have been paid to the details. 

I'm sure Mike Holmes' first comment would probably have something to do with the chimney laying in the background that never made it onto the house and how the contractors didn't know what they were doing.  My answer to him would be, I agree, but at least it's not snowing in the master bedroom suite.

Until tomorrow, goodbye.

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